Paper is small, constrained, and uses fine writing implements. It has pre-printed lines and boundaries - starting again is difficult and slow. No one else can see what you’re writing.
Coding is slow, complex, hampered by irrelevant constraints (the need for valid linting, correct syntax & versions of APIs, etc). Code is like paper.
Git’s “branch” terminology captures the nature of divergence from the trunk, but fails to convey any meaning for the convergence (branches don’t “merge” in nature).
Write commit messages like they are commands for how to modify the code: e.g. Remove file X rather than Removed file X or Removing file X. Leave out distracting words and tense.
CSS requires properties to be expressed in low-level units that are readily available for the machines evaluating them: integers (positive and negative) and decimals (floating point numbers). These are not, however, the optimal units to express many measurements. It’s up to developers to have the awareness and discipline to select and encode them in a way that expresses the semantics of the underlying properties.